1,161 positive tests were processed in the week 14-20 October
The number of new Coronavirus infections in the province of Groningen has increased in the last week (14 – 20 October). 1,161 positive tests were processed, 159 more than a week earlier. Figures from the Groningen GGD also show that more and more older people are also becoming infected. At the moment 55 people suffering from the virus have been admitted to a hospital in Groningen.
About 31 percent of those found to be infected in the last week were between the ages of 20 and 29, a week earlier, that was 40 percent. Almost half (49 percent) of the new infections are between the ages of 30 and 65: slightly more than a third a week earlier. Almost 11 percent are over 65 years old, reports the GIC.
Source of infection increasingly ‘unknown’
According to the GGD, it is increasingly likely that someone will not know how they became infected, with only 29 percent of new cases having a known source. For people have become ill from their home situation, 63 percent do not know the source of their illness. In 14 percent of the cases, the virus was picked up at work. Ten percent got the Coronavirus in a care institution, whilst leisure activities account for 8 percent of new infections.
The virus is now also spreading faster in the rest of the province, compared to the city of Groningen. Groningen City still has the most infections with 221 reports per 100,000 inhabitants, but the virus is also spreading rapidly in Westerwolde (206 per 100,000), Central Groningen (161 per 100,000), Stadskanaal (142 per 100,000) and Westerkwartier (133 per 100,000).
On October 21, thirteen patients suffering from the Coronavirus were in an IC bed in a Groningen hospital. A week earlier there were eight more. The number of patients at a nursing institution rose in the same period from 35 to 42. The number of deceased patients in the province of Groningen rose by one to 24.
Last week, 9,557 people were tested at the GGD test locations, of which 786 turned out to be positive. That is a percentage of 8.2 percent. A week earlier, 9,785 people had themselves tested, of which 914 turned out to be positive (9.3 percent). Coronavirus tests are also being carried out at GPs and hospitals.
National figures
On Wednesday afternoon, 8,764 new infections were registered across the country over 24 hours. That was almost 600 more than the day before. In one day 232 corona patients were admitted to a hospital and 52 people had to go to the ICU. In total there are now 1,943 patients in the hospital, 84 more than the day before. The number of IC admissions rose from 419 to 450.
More information is available via the GGD Groningen, or on the Dutch government’s Coronavirus dashboard