Only one Intensive Care bed is being used in Drenthe
Only one patient is in the intensive care unit of a Drents hospital due to the Coronavirus, and there are no patients at all in the special Coronavirus nursing wards around the Province. As reported by the Asser Courant.
In Groningen and Friesland, a total of 26 Covid-19 patients are being cared for in the special wards. There are still nine patients in intensive care, with one in Drenthe, six in Groningen, and two in Friesland. The Acute Care Network Northern Netherlands (Acute Zorgnetwerk Noord Nederland) has up-to-date figures available here.
High point two months ago
According to the Northern hospitals, there is now ample capacity available that can accommodate patients suffering from, or suspected of having COVID-19. On March 30 (the busiest), 58 patients were in a special nursing ward in the Wilhelmina Hospital Assen, and the Scheper Hospital in Emmen; almost two months ago. At the time, 99 patients suffering from the Coronavirus were in the nursing wards in the three hospitals in Groningen.
Groningen’s intensive care units were full on April 5, with 68 IC beds occupied. A week later, Drenthe was at its highest peak too, with 18 occupied IC beds. Since then, the hospitals have reported their numbers only declining.
Crisis Core team at UMCG stood down
The University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) has also started scaling back nursing beds for Coronavirus patients. There were 112 available beds at first, there are now 53. The UMCG’s Crisis Core Team, created because of the outbreak, will also be stood down this week. “We will have a capacity team that will remain up and running until October. They check the capacity of the UMCG on a weekly basis”, says Lex Kloosterman of the UMCG.
For the most up-to-date information see the GGD Groningen, GGD Friesland, GGD Drenthe; or the RIVM.
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