Sixty people from Groningen have become infected with the corona virus in the last week. More than half of this number is between the ages of 15 and 30. That reports the GGD, the communal health service in Groningen.
In the last week the number of positive COVID-19 tests rose to 477. In 32 cases it concerned someone between the ages of 15 and 30 years. In 30 percent of the cases, someone returned from a holiday abroad.
The number of positive corona cases almost doubled in comparison with two weeks ago. Between July 29 and August 4, there were 32 infections.
The ‘GGD’ speaks of a clear spread. “We try to stop the spread of the virus as quickly as possible”, GGD says. They try to do that with an extensive source- and contact investigation.
Besides the increase in positive cases, the GGD also saw an increase in the number of COVID-19 tests last week. Between 5 and 11 August, 3,054 tests were conducted at the test facility in Groningen. A week earlier GGD took 2,717. According to the GGD, the percentage of positive tests is now 1.4 percent.