The yearly vote, held by the Oranje Fonds, could see a social organisation receive 15,000 Euros
by Thomas Ansell
A social bakery in Leeuwarden, an organisation that brings together lonely older people and young volunteers, and a mechanism to support needy people in Friesland. These are just some of the worthy projects that are vying for your vote to receive support from the Oranje Fonds this January.
Voting is open until January 15, where after the winning organisations and initiatives will be presented with a prize by Princess Beatrix, and a cash sum by Queen Maxima. Voting whittles down the entries to ten, which are then further narrowed down to the final three winners by a jury.
The North is represented by organisations in both Groningen and Friesland: in Oostwold, near the city of Groningen, Stichting Queri brings together lonely older people with volunteers to care for a pet together: they can make a friend, keep active, and stay healthier for longer.
Leeuwarden is represented by Stichting Sociaal Goud, which also hopes to bring together young and old people, whilst Support Fryslân hopes to create social networks and support systems for isolated people: such as for children growing up in rural poverty, or asylum seekers that are new to the Netherlands.
One of the more diverting projects hoping to be given the prize is the Blooming Bakery in Leeuwarden, which works with the care-provider Fier. The Bakery provides practical experience and training to those who have suffered from (sexual) violence and human slavery. Aside from providing a form of re-integration and therapy, Blooming Bakery also provides opportunities and a new social network.
There are 38 projects in total that have entered the ‘Appeltje van Oranje’ competition. To cast your vote, head to The winners will be announced in Spring.
Image via Oranjefonds