It will look larger and clearer than usual
Translated by Thomas Ansell
As reported by the Leeuwarder Courant, this evening there will be a huge Super Moon filling the sky. The full-moon will looks significantly larger and brighter than usual, and will be best seen at the beginning of the evening.
Weather across the North is predicted to be reasonably clear in the first few hours of darkness, with some cloud approaching from the West. The reason for the moon looking so prominent is due to the proximity of the moon to the earth: the moon circles the earth in an oval, so at some points of the year it is closer to us.
The moon will seem around 7% larger and 14% clearer than normal. Super Moons tend to come one or twice a year, with the next one will be on April 8. Last year the North was treated to a ‘Super Snow Moon‘, but a Super Moon tends to occur when the moon is both full and closer to the earth.